Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My dads b-day (in swedish)

Pappa, min förebild, bästa vän och glädje. Vart jag än i livet är håller du alltid mig kär, du tror på mig som ingen annan även fast vi är långt ifrån varann. Jag tänker på dig ofta, längtar efter att se dig i din norske yllekofta. Att vara din dotter är jag stolt över, du är en trygghet jag behöver.  Är så lyckligt lottad av allt gott du givit mig, att du lärt mig att allt alltid kommer vara okej. Att som barn fått vakna upp av en sådan god person,  med en energi och tacksamhet varenda morgon är värt så mycket mer än en biljon. Du är unik och med din kärlek gör du mig rik. En rikedom av äkta glädje, värme och upptacksamhet. Som varje dag ger mig hopp om frihet. Du finner alltid ro när morgonen gryr, när den för många andra fort flyr. Att ta vara på dagen påminner du mig om, att man inte behöva ha så bråttom. Du och mamma har skapat miraklet familjen Gröndahl, vi fem tillsammans är en dansande spiral. Spelar ingen roll hur många cirklar vi måste gå, för vi finner alltid vad vi vill nå. Trots att vi är på olika ställen så ska du veta att jag är med dig där i cellen. Snart tar du steget ut och en börda börjar gå mot ett slut. Jag älskar dig så mycket, 
Och önskar dig med all kärlek en god födelsedag, som vi snart ska fira med ett fadderundrans drag! 

Grattis min favorit! 
"Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom" - Tao Te Ching 

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I am so grateful of what life taught me, and brought me. A bit less than 2 years ago I took a little step closer to something called Yoga. Not a religion, it the science of religions, the crystallized truth. I began to practice it before I started work in the mornings in beautiful Antibes on the sun deck at sunrise with my dear friend Paige. It was my favorite part of the day. She was the one who introduced me to yoga, we supported each other, and she was  about to do her teacher training course. Now it's my turn, now I'm about to leave. She was here in Fort Lauderdale the this week, haven't seen her in a years time before the other day. Yesterday she told me that she left something for me in the Bahia Mar hotel reception when she left this morning, something she wanted me to have. 

In the package was her favorite poem "Song of the soul" that she read when she taught her very first yoga class on her training and she's been keeping it with her ever since. And this incredible person gave it to me and hoped it will bring me what it to brought her. 

She also gave me her little happy Buddha, that she kept with her on her training and practice. He is the supreme signal of joy, well being, vision of happiness and is used as an enhancer in attaining all areas of positive aspirations. 

She also wanted me to have her bookmark from Costa Rica that she used under her studies to keep track of where she was. Must say that I am very thankful that YOU of all people was with me of the beginning of my yoga journey. She said the other day, that yoga and I would have found each other even if it wasn't for me going to Antibes, looking for a job, found Paige and so on. Which might be true, but I am very grateful it turned out the way it did, that life gave me that, and that you, my dear, beautiful creature of happiness invited me to join you. You have affect my journey, THANK YOU for sharing your gifts, being who you are, always making me laugh and thank you for your caring for people, you want people to be happy, you do bring them joy, you have such a big heart and a kind soul. 

You are my little happy Buddha, you bring energy, wealth and joyful blessing anywhere you are placed. Grateful life brought me to you when it did. 
So much love

           THANK YOU 


Saturday, February 22, 2014


Believe that every tree, spirit and creature has as much right to live as you do. Believe that you were born with love, to help others and looks upon creation with eyes of love. Believe that you are here for a good reason, that your life is linked with others and that you can bring more happiness into life. Be proud and believe in yourself, put others before your own more often and become a source of joy to all you meet. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

My best friend, love and soulmate is flying to Australia today, we are gonna be away from each other for a whole month! :O We have never been apart for that long, we are not really that kind of texting, sms and so on couple. Haha! Anyway, if we are able to live upon each other 24/7 I'm sure we will be able to spend some time apart. It will be a challenge BUT also bring a bit of a change in my everyday life, and change is always good! 

"Life don't get better by chance it get better by change". 

Monday, February 10, 2014


A dry riverbed winds its way through a deep valley. Without water, the river has little effect upon the gravel bed or the rocks and boulders in its path. When the river flows with water, then and only then does it have power to change and to carry things from one place to another. The river can now move rocks, wear away at boulders, and even change its course, cutting into and altering the surrounding banks. In the same way, asanas do not transform the body until we can effectively move force through them. When we align ourselves in a asana we find a harmonious realationship between the parts of the body so that force can be conducted into, through and beyond the body into space. It will open spaces between joints, elongates muscles, and clear a pathway for energy to flow freely. 

We need to flow with our breath, not only on your mat, practice it all the time, in your everyday life. Take yoga with you everywhere you go, follow your breath. When you feel confused or hurried, take a minute to still still and be with your breath. As you breathe, count down from ten to one on each exhalation. Imagine yourself returning back to your center as you do so. 

Breathe it all in, love it all out. 


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So it's booked!! I'm going to COSTA RICA!! To finally do my 
200hrs yoga teacher training! Can't wait!! So thankful and have butterflies in my belly!! :D 


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our image of the world

"When one speaks of awakening, it means dehypnotization, coming to our sensors, but of course to do that you have to go out of your mind. " - Alan Watts